Hamilton County Community Foundation, along with the generous support of the community, has established the Hamilton County Crisis Response Fund, a flexible fund to provide resources to not-for-profit organizations that are responding to the spread of COVID-19 and experiencing financial challenges in doing so. Operating grants will provide support to community-based organizations serving Hamilton County that work with seniors, youth, and economically vulnerable populations.

Grants will range in size from $1,000 to $20,000 to provide support for:

  • Hunger relief
  • Academic support for children impacted by school closures
  • Senior services
  • Access to prompt and adequate medical care for people who are uninsured or underinsured
  • Temporary mortgage, rent or utility assistance for people suffering from COVID-19 related closures or employment terminations
  • Other COVID-19-related issues and causes

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis with grants being distributed throughout 2020 as funding allows. Selection will be completed by Hamilton County Community Foundation staff in collaboration with the executive committee of Hamilton County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD). Applicants will receive a funding decision within two weeks after submitting an application.

Grantee organizations will be required to provide information as to how funds were spent with a brief narrative upon completion of the grant.

This form is currently closed for submissions and funds have been granted. Thank you to all contributors, applicants, and the community to staying strong in supporting one another!