HCCF’s new strategic plan, effective Jan. 1, 2025, is a transformative roadmap that reflects HCCF’s commitment to addressing Hamilton County’s most critical challenges, empowering all residents to thrive in a growing and inclusive community.
“Hamilton County has experienced rapid growth, and our Needs Assessment revealed that it is a tale of two counties,” said Danielle Stiles-Polk, Interim President of Hamilton County Community Foundation. “Though many community members are thriving, significant concerns exist about accessing essential services. This strategic plan underscores our dedication to addressing the county’s most pressing needs, leveraging strategic leadership, intentional investments, and meaningful partnerships to drive lasting impact.”
In Hamilton County, we believe in building a community where opportunity meets growth for everyone, and philanthropic efforts support not-for-profit organizations doing vital work. Our mission is:
To mobilize people, ideas and investment to make this a community where every individual has equitable opportunity to reach their full potential—no matter their place, race or identity.
Our strategic plan centers on four interconnected goals, each designed to enhance HCCF’s impact and foster a thriving, inclusive community.
Leading & Convening
HCCF will position itself as a leading convener, bringing together diverse voices to develop collaborative solutions. By broadening engagement, leading discussions on critical issues, and clearly communicating nonprofit needs and impact, we aim to strengthen connections across the community.
HCCF’s grantmaking strategy will focus on priority areas to drive meaningful impact. By aligning donors and partners, streamlining processes, and making targeted investments, HCCF aims to create lasting change that addresses the identified needs of Hamilton County residents.
Nonprofit Ecosystem Development & Health
To ensure a sustainable and effective nonprofit ecosystem, HCCF will support capacity-building efforts, foster collaboration, and create a centralized data resource hub. This approach will enhance transparency, drive informed decision-making, and amplify the collective impact of the nonprofit sector.
Donor Relationships
HCCF is committed to increasing donor impact through deeper engagement and exceptional donor experiences. By expanding co-investment opportunities, raising awareness of HCCF’s role in local philanthropy, and implementing a donor-centric approach, we aim to strengthen connections between donors and the causes that matter most in Hamilton County.

Leading & Convening
Strategy 1: Broaden non-profit & community leaders engagement with the foundation to foster collaboration.
Strategy 2: Lead conversations in the community around key issues and areas of need.
Strategy 3: Clearly communicate our understanding of what our non-profit partners require and the impact they make within Hamilton County.
Number of county-wide collaborative solutions developed through quarterly roundtables and community forums
Percentage increase in nonprofit partner satisfaction as measured by annual surveys
Strategy 1: Align community partners and donors around the primary issues identified to enhance measurable impact.
Strategy 2: Implement a more streamlined approach to granting while delivering more meaningful investments.
Strategy 3: Align our grantmaking with our non-profit partners’ impact in Hamilton County.
Percentage of HCCF endowment funds allocated to key priority areas
Percentage of grant funds awarded to 1st-time grantees or within the last 5 years
Donor Relationships
Strategy 1: Expand our reach to attract donors committed to ambitious goals through co-investment opportunities.
Strategy 2: Increase awareness of HCCF as the premier catalyst for local philanthropy, keeping funds within the community.
Strategy 3: Implement a donor-centric model that delivers a premier donor experience.
Percentage of total dollars granted to Hamilton County non-profits through DAFs annually
Percentage increase in funding of Donor Advised Funds
Nonprofit Ecosystem Development & Health
Strategy 1: Support capacity building and organizational development for Hamilton County nonprofits.
Strategy 2: Be a data resource hub in coordination with our collaborative partners.
Strategy 3: Be a physical space and curator for meetings, networking, gatherings, events and other non-profit activities and initiatives.
Number of capacity-building workshops or training sessions provided to nonprofits (all-held) Number of Hamilton County partners utilizing space