Grant Acknowledgement

Congratulations on your grant award from Hamilton County Community Foundation. If you want to share the good news and acknowledge Hamilton County Community Foundation, we have curated a grantee recipient toolkit below.

Brand Identification

Your grant was provided by Hamilton County Community Foundation, which is a member of the Central Indiana Community Foundation philanthropic collaborative.

The recommended acknowledgment is:

“The grant was provided by Hamilton County Community Foundation”


Contact us for alternate formats.

News Release

Hamilton County Community Foundation distributes press releases announcing its grant recipients.

We also invite you to distribute a press release announcing your receipt of the grant and your plan for using the funds. We are happy to help with your media process, including suggested distribution contacts.

Here is an example of a press releases from a past grantee:

Social Media

Please tag us on social media so that we can share your posts to help elevate your stories.

For more information

Anita Rogers | Community Leadership Officer |
Kelsey Singh | Director of Marketing, Communications & Brand Strategy |

Help us Elevate Your Stories

Research shows that stories evoke emotion and inspire others to take action more than facts and figures. We want to highlight your impact as frequently as possible. Examples of stories we invite you to share with us include:

  • Highlighting a person who receives your services
  • Examples of your services in action
  • A report you recently released
  • Photos from an event you recently hosted
  • Major announcements from your organization

By submitting a story, you are agreeing to allow us to share the information on social media, in donor-advised fund solicitations, newsletters, family fund updates, etc. Please note that while we deeply appreciate your submissions, we cannot guarantee placement of all stories.

When you have a story you would like us to elevate, submit it to us here.